
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Recipe - Pineapple Jam

Hooray - It's pineapple season! 

I love pineapple - at the moment they are sweet, juicy and oh so delicious!! I never knew how to pick a good pineapple, people used to say to pull at one of the leaves and if it came easily it was ripe, but since meeting Sefo I have learnt that the nicest pineapple is just the one that is starting to turn yellow to red (for the big ones) and for the little ones when they turn from green to yellow ...

We bought a few of them and have enjoyed eating them for afternoon tea, and then Sefo asked me to make some jam - I've never made jam before (I have seen my mum do it many times, but never really learnt how!). So I Googled some recipes and found one that I have all the ingredients for...Sefo doesn't like sweet things much, so given how sweet the pineapples were, I decided to halve the sugar and see what happened! I only used one pineapple just in case everything when pear-shaped...I didn't want to waste too much!!

The recipe I used is from the website - below is the modified version that I did...

Peeled pineapple,
 I don't have any picture of it grated
as my hands were too sticky!

·         1 medium pineapple

·         1 cup (250ml) water

·         1 cup sugar

·         2 tbsp lime juice

Preparation method
·          1.  Grate the flesh of the pineapple. There should be about 2 cups
This was just before I added the sugar, in
hindsight I should have waited a bit longer!
           2.  Put into a saucepan with water and cook for about half an hour until soft.  
             3. Add sugar and lime juice then cook until thick; about 45-60 minutes.
       4.  Spoon into sterilised jars and keep in fridge.


       I probably didn't cook it as long as I should have in step 2, so there are still some hard bits in it, and it didn't turn out as 'jammy' as I thought it would, just a bit like mashed stewed pineapple! But the flavour is really yummy - it's sweet but not too sweet (I'm very glad I didn't add the extra cup of sugar the original recipe called for, but if the pineapple wasn't as sweet then I probably would next time).

The finished product -
looks good enough to eat!
      Since making this, I spoke to my mum who looked in an old cookbook and found a recipe for pineapple and grapefruit marmalade - I think I'll try that next as we also have grapefruit in season here!

Mmmm....bon appetit! 

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